Installing Ogg Vorbis acm codec on Windows 7.

Recently, I had an issue installing the Ogg Vorbis codec on my Window 7 64bit OS. I downloaded the latest version I could find (v0.0.3.6) from here, but I couldn’t install it.

Finally, I found the solution. Just follow these steps:

  • Unzip the contents of the file you downloaded to a folder. Make sure that there are no spaces to the path of the folder. I will use the c:\temp folder for the rest of the procedure.
  • Open a command prompt with administrative rights. One way is to type cmd to the search box of the start menu and either press Ctrl + Shift + Enter , or right click on the cmd.exe  icon that appears on the search results and select Run as Administrator .
  • If you have 64bit Windows, your starting folder is C:\Windows\system32. You should change to  C:\Windows\SysWOW64. One way is to type  cd ..\SysWOW64. If you have 32bit Windows, you can stay at  C:\Windows\system32.
  • Type in the following:  rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\Temp\vorbisacm.inf. Note that the c:\Temp folder is the one I previously unzipped the codec files. You should replace this with your own folder of choice.

That’s it. All should be working fine now…

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